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articles for daily use中文是什么意思

用"articles for daily use"造句"articles for daily use"怎么读"articles for daily use" in a sentence


  • 生活用品


  • Articles for daily use containing inflammable substance may be carried in limited quantity
  • If notice the individual is wholesome , appliance of articles for daily use , food and patient departure
  • Possible , your articles for daily use should be used apart . other respect should not be infected
  • In case the office import office appliance , articles for daily use and means of transportation , it shall file record to the local customs authority
  • Individual persons shall be entitled to enjoy ownership of such immovables and movables as their lawful incomes , houses , articles for daily use , means of production and raw materials
  • Individual persons shall be entitled to enjoy ownership of such immovables and movables as their lawful incomes , houses , articles for daily use , means of production and raw materials
  • Answer : 1 , do not accord with submit an expense account the medicines and chemical reagents of limits , material , examination , cure , nurse , the other charge such as bed cost and ambulance , articles for daily use
    答: 1 、不符合报销范围的药品、材料、检查、治疗、护理、床位费和救护车、生活用品等其他费用。
  • A citizen s personal property shall include his lawfully earned income , housing , savings , articles for daily use , objects d art , books , reference materials , trees , livestock , as well as means of production the law permits a citizen to possess and other lawful property
  • Anyhow , the tableware that has used to phthisical patient and articles for daily use should take corresponding alexipharmic step , insist to disinfect , disinfect strictly , put an end to the transmission that infects a source , only such ability prevent the generation of new n / med tuberculosis patient
  • Method sampling and microorganism ' s detection were made in air , the surface of article for daily use . both hands of workers and the surface of sheet in rooms of all professional groups , and compared the sterilizing effects on sheets among the 4 methods wuch as the ultraviolet irradiation , formalin ' s , epoxy ethane ' s and glutaradehyde ' s fumigating
  • 更多例句:  1  2
用"articles for daily use"造句  
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